Daily create:
I decided to do this daily create and speak about how much the little things can add up in your life. I have struggled greatly while transitioning home from college. The first few weeks I felt like my world had collapsed in around me. I felt that I had lost everything I worked towards in the last four years including friends, work opportunities, and general life living in Maine. I was sitting on the floor wondering what my next step might be and how I could get myself back living in Maine when I looked up and saw my cat Penelope sitting on the porch in the sun. I wanted to take a picture of her with the flowers behind her and the sun shining. She is so effortlessly beautiful and lives without a care in the world (which I assume I would as well had I been born a cat). I remembered that the last four years I have lived without my pets as a constant while they lived home with my parents and this is my chance to reconnect with them for a while. I had been living in the fast lane for so long that I forgot to take a minute to appreciate the little moments like this.