DS106 1.
The spoon theory! This meme is a classic viral meme where there is a good choice and a bad choice. The woman in the red is the bad choice, the woman in the blue is the choice that is either good or good enough. The man in the plaid is the decision maker. This explains my point of view when I am trying to decide between over-extending myself and using more spoons or being comfortable with the ones I have already used.
Ds106 2.
Selfie with my pet!
This is my cat, Larry. He was a rescue from Tennessee. Ever since I got him we have been attached at the hip. He sleeps in my bed every night and follows me around the house where ever I go. I have two more pets too but I have more pictures with Larry because of how attached to me he is. I never understood why black cats get such a bad rep, because he is the sweetest most loving cat I have ever me!
DS106 Meme 2
Demotivational poster
I made this meme using my own photo that I took from my spring break trip in Punta Cana. I got a good laugh out of it because even though I had a lot of fun, I still feel like most of the time when I take a trip the cost, stress, and physical toll that is taken is almost enough to not make the trip worth it. The general idea of a vacation is to get away from your typical life. Which is possible, but doesn’t come without its own struggles along the way. Can’t forget that sunburn either. Ever.
I made a gif from the movie Moana. This is my all time favorite movie and I have seen it probably 20 times. I love the message that Moana sends to children who watch the movie. She is fierce and never gives up in order to save her family and her people. Even when she doubts herself she still finds a reason to push through. This clip is a really cool visual from the movie because it shows how Moana is youthful but still making leaps and bounds as a young woman.
DS106 Home movie gif!
This is a gif of myself and a baby camel in Morocco. I love this video because I didn’t realize the camel was going to (insert whatever noise camels make) when I took the video so it really captures the element of surprise in my face. I love looking back at all of my photos and videos I took while studying abroad and this one will always make me smile.
Daily create:
I decided to do this daily create and speak about how much the little things can add up in your life. I have struggled greatly while transitioning home from college. The first few weeks I felt like my world had collapsed in around me. I felt that I had lost everything I worked towards in the last four years including friends, work opportunities, and general life living in Maine. I was sitting on the floor wondering what my next step might be and how I could get myself back living in Maine when I looked up and saw my cat Penelope sitting on the porch in the sun. I wanted to take a picture of her with the flowers behind her and the sun shining. She is so effortlessly beautiful and lives without a care in the world (which I assume I would as well had I been born a cat). I remembered that the last four years I have lived without my pets as a constant while they lived home with my parents and this is my chance to reconnect with them for a while. I had been living in the fast lane for so long that I forgot to take a minute to appreciate the little moments like this.
DS106 Brady Bunch
This was one of my favorite assignments ever! I wasn’t sure at first what photos I would use and I had thought about using photos of my friends and I from moments where we were all caught off guard, but I didn’t want to use any photos without their permission. I remembered I had a large box of baby pictures in my closet so I pulled them out and had a great time going through them. I have always been the “family comedian” and I think my facial expressions in these pictures can validate that. I tried to find photos where my expression can match up to the ones in the original Brady Bunch photo. I hope you all enjoyed this as much as I did!
DS106 – Forrest Gump Old Photo
This assignment really stressed me out at first because I thought “how on earth am I going to get myself to blend into a photo? An old photo??” But as I searched through google and came across a few I found one that I thought might work with the right picture of myself. I tried to think about the angle my head would have to be to make the photo look realistic. I decided on a photo of a woman holding an umbrella with her face tilted toward the side. I cropped a photo where my face was at a similar angle and played around with filters and effects and I was pleased with my result! I had never really tried this kind of photo editing before and even though I find the photo slightly creepy, I don’t think I did a terrible job!
Here is the original photo source
DS106 Digital Story
For my digital story I added images from some of the assignments I enjoyed. First, I included the Brady Bunch assignment. I loved being able to look through my old photos and find ones that match the facial expressions from the original photo. Next I included the old photo assignment. It freaked me out a little bit to see my face on a photo that looks so old but in the end I think I did well. After I included a photo from my home movie gif. The gif was of myself and a baby camel in Morocco. I liked that I got to take a video that I love and is so personal to me and share it though a gif. Lastly I used photos from my two Medium projects. I love the Medium platform because it is easy to use and the pages look clean once all is said and done. I will definitely continue to use Medium in the future!
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